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Adult area - gay and str8



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More than 75,000 straight Pay Per View videos listed here

A couple of years ago it was 14,000 guy/girl porn movies listed in this section. Now the total is a mind-blowing 75,000 straight Pay Per View movies! Makes you think doesn't it?

So, whether you're a pussy-loving straight boy, bi, or one of the many gay guys who likes to watch straight men in action, take a look. They are grouped in many different themes.

You can find my alphabetical mega list of all 75,000 videos here.

Guy on girl: straight video on demand porn. Choose from 75,000 titles!

There is she-male and lesbian stuff too. So find whatever you fancy, unzip and enjoy! BBC News reports that wanking is good for you (external site). And they should know LOL!

Str8 porn for your mobile phone here.

New: check out clips of 50 porn movies tube style on my new page. Updates regularly.


More BlakeMason Nathan! Preview Video

If you like good-looking, smooth, horny boys, you won't be disappointed by the videos from BlakeMason.


Hot holes filled at BlakeMason

Check out BlakeMason here


About this section

I feature only those websites and services that I genuinely believe seem to offer value for money, good customer service and something a bit different. No multiple pop-up windows, no lies, no cheats! If you have a comment -- good or bad -- about any site listed on my pages, I would like to hear from you and I'll investigate. I haven't been inside every single site, so you will be doing my other visitors a favour too. My contact info is here.


Here's my list of 25,000 Gay Pay Per View movies

Sophomore Year: sixteen men featured in the first two issues of FlavaMen's second year on the stands take center stage in this X rated video version of the two issues' various photo shoots. Watch it right now on video on demand!

Click here for my list of gay themes. Dozens of Video On Demand subjects including: Bear, BigDick, Gay Amateurs, Raver, StraightBoy, Twink, Euroboy, Muscle, Latino.

See the alphabetical list of more than 25,000 gay porn movie titles here.

Watch as much or as little of as many movies as you want and pay only for what you view.

I love pay-per-view porn movies. You can find exactly what you want and get right to the action. It means you never have to sit through the boring bits again!

And if you're on the move, try Xobile - gay porn for your mobile - here.

New: check out clips of 50 gay porn movies tube style on my new page. Updates regularly.


SeanCody gangbang

Smooth muscled boys have a gangbang at seancody

Click here for Seancody foursomes!


Horny English Lads

Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click here for more from englishlads.com

Visit EnglishLads here. Rocco from the British reality TV series Bad Lads Army did an exclusive photo shoot for the EnglishLads website. To see that, plus 127 models solo, duo and groups and a new video every Friday(over 30 minutes long) click here.

The EnglishLads website


USMC, Army, Navy

Military Classified: army and navy boys earn some extra cash

At MilitaryClassified


SeanCody - straight men gang banging and solo

Trevor getting fucked balls deep at seancody

Click here for Sean Cody.

Special pick of gay video-on-demand movies

Watch Deep Attack right now in the movie theatre

Watch Deep Attack in my Gay Adult Movie Theatre

Watch Fucked By My Gym Buddy in my Gay Adult Movie Theatre



If you want to link, put up the link on your page and contact me. I list sites on the entry page in order of the amount of traffic sent. A text link only. I monitor traffic and sites that send no traffic for a period of two weeks will be removed. So no point putting up a link to me then taking it down.


Always interested in talking on a one-to-one basis with the owners of quality sites (no diallers, pop-ups, or 'traffic leaks' such as ads off to other sponsors, DVD stores etc.). Send me a personal e-mail. Please DON'T add me to bulk mail, newsletters or mailing lists :-)


Some of the videos on this page require the free Flash Player from Macromedia. If you don't have it, you can download it here.


If you're a webmaster, website or online video service and looking for exclusive gay adult video content, contact me. Also looking for male models in Manchester/North-West England: gay, bi or straight. Possible regular work. Contact me.